Horsfield Tortoises
Testudo horsfieldii
Lifespan: 80 + years
Length: 6 – 10 inches
Origin: Central Asia
Vivarium Size/Table Size: 3ft x 18" (hatchling) 5ft x 3ft Minimum (adult)
Temperature gradient: 20 – 32°C
Humidity: 40 – 50%
Lighting: UV
Feeding: Herbivores - variety of weeds, plants and vegetables.
Shopping list: Vivarium or Table, Heat source, UVB Lighting, Light/heat fittings, Thermometer, Water bowl, Feeding slate, Substrate, Hide, Door lock, Decor, Calcium and Multivitamin supplements, Cleaning Equipment, Cuttlefish bone
Marginated Tortoises
Testudo marginata
Lifespan: 80 + years
Length: 12-14 inches
Origin: Greece, Italy and Southern Europe.
Vivarium Size/Table Size: 3ft x 18" (hatchling) 5ft x 3ft Minimum (adult)
Temperature gradient: 22 – 32°C
Humidity: 40 – 60%
Lighting: UV
Feeding: Herbivores - variety of weeds, plants and vegetables.
Shopping list: Vivarium or Table, Heat source, UVB Lighting, Light/heat fittings, Thermometer, Water bowl, Feeding slate, Substrate, Hide, Door lock, Decor, Calcium and Multivitamin supplements, Cleaning Equipment, Cuttlefish bone.
Spur Thigh Tortoises
Testudo graeca
Lifespan: 80 + years
Length: 8-11 inches
Origin: North Africa, southwest Asia and southern Europe
Vivarium Size/Table Size: 3ft x 18" (hatchling) 5ft x 3ft Minimum (adult)
Temperature gradient: 20 – 32°C
Humidity: 40 – 60%
Lighting: UV
Feeding: Herbivores - variety of weeds, plants and vegetables.
Shopping list: Vivarium or Table, Heat source, UVB Lighting, Light/heat fittings, Thermometer, Water bowl, Feeding slate, Substrate, Hide, Door lock, Decor, Calcium and Multivitamin supplements, Cleaning Equipment, Cuttlefish bone.
Hermann's Tortoises
Testudo hermanni
Lifespan: 80 + years
Length: 7 – 10 inches
Origin: Mediterranean
Vivarium Size/Table Size: 3ft x 18" (hatchling) 5ft x 3ft Minimum (adult)
Temperature gradient: 20 – 32°C
Humidity: 40 – 50%
Lighting: UV
Feeding: Herbivores - variety of weeds, plants and vegetables.
Shopping list: Vivarium or Table, Heat source, UVB Lighting, Light/heat fittings, Thermometer, Water bowl, Feeding slate, Substrate, Hide, Door lock, Decor, Calcium and Multivitamin supplements, Cleaning Equipment, Cuttlefish bone.